Built with Berta.me

  1. merking / meaning

    valdar blaðsíður úr einlitu og marglitu prentútgáfunum 
    selection of pages both from monochroma and multicolour print versions

    14cm x 17cm



  2. Prómeþeifstréið / Prometheus tree

    14.8 x 21.0 cm



  3. helgiathafnir listamanna / the rituals of artistic life

    valdar opnur 
    14cm x 18cm



  4. Nanna Sans 

    letur sem ég hannaði með börn í huga, vinalegt og aðgengilegt
    a display font I designed with children in mind, friendly and accessible



  5. Umbrot og bókahönnun / Layout and cover design


  6. Valin veggspjöld og kápur / Assorted posters and covers


  7. heildarsagan / whole circle
    skólaverkefni, handrit úr bókinni the Overstory eftir Richard Powers
    school project, text from the Overstory by Richard Powers